Oleh: Restu Kurniati, S.Pd
SWI.sch.id – SDIT Wirausaha Indonesia today is learning Mengenal Program Google dari Internet for Grade II Umar in the classroom on Friday (24/01/20) morning.
SWI Islamic School is celebrating the internet learning on Kewirausahaan lesson. With this activity, the students was hoped can to knowing the internet Google system history.
” I hope my student can to think with their’s imajination and eksplore so that they can to create internet network with used to,” said ustadzah Restu as the teacher class.
The SWI‘s headmaster, Ustadzah Nur Komariah, S. Pd. I. MM added that the class activity will be should to developing many SWI Islamic School’s student can knowing history of internet useful for human
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